Tag Archives: holiday

Vladimir Putin – Holiday and PR

No comment…not today…


In this photo taken on Monday, Aug. 3, 2009, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is seen feeding a horse in the mountains of the Siberian Tyva region (also referred to as Tuva), Russia, during his short vacation.
(Alexei Drizhinin/RIA Novosti/AP Photo )

Putin Bolsters Tough Guy Image said journalists from abc news.

UPDATE: 7 august 2009

WASHINGTON, August 5 (RIA Novosti) – “The Pentagon is concerned by the unexpected presence of two Russian submarines in international waters off the U.S. coast, although a Russian official said the patrol was not unusual. The NewYork Times reported late on Tuesday that the two submarines had been in the area for several days. The newspaper quoted Defense Department officials as saying one of the Akula-class vessels remained 320 kilometers (200 miles) off the coast, while the location of the second was not clear. One of the submarines is an Akula II nuclear-powered attack submarine, considered the quietest and deadliest of all Russian nuclear-powered attack submarines.akula_class_submarine

A Pentagon spokesman acknowledged the report. “We have no comment about this. But we are aware of what is happening,” he told RIA Novosti by telephone. Defense Department officials expressed concern to the New York Times about the presence of the vessels due to the unexpected nature of their appearance, but were not worried about the U.S. military’s ability to track them”.

Beyond that amused me this mimed “innocence” of the Department of State U.S. ( identical were “surprised” when American pilots met with the Soviet bombers that patrolled the Pacific…), if premier Putin was not there for to shooting for a sexy/ heroic pictorial, even this story has no charm … Because talk of PR, Edward Bernays, the founder of modern public relations, said that the syntagma “No comment” should not find in a dowry of a spokesman. I do not know how it happens, but I have heard many times that the phrase uttered by spokesmen of the greatest rulers of the planet.